Winter Weather Policy


Toledo Diocese & St. Maximilian Kolbe Deanery

Level 1 Snow Emergency Use Extreme Caution. Masses will be celebrated at all Deanery locations. Elderly are advised NOT to attend Maas.

Level 2 Snow EmergencyNecessary Travel Only If you have to drive to get to Mass, DO NOT attend Mass. Elderly do NOT attend Mass. Masses WILL BE celebrated where your Priest resides (Defiance, New Bavaria, Paulding, St. Michael Ridge) for those in the nearby area who may be able to walk to Church.        Non-residential parishes (Marysdale & Delaware Bend, Payne, Holgate, Hamler) – NO Mass

Level 3 Snow Emergency Emergency Vehicles Only, all others will be arrested. Whenever a county/city within the Diocese of Toledo is placed under a Level 3 Snow Emergency, during which all roadways are closed to non-emergency personnel, the Catholic Churches within that geographic region will cancel the scheduled Saturday Vigil, Sunday or Holy Day Masses.

If bad weather prohibits Mass attendance, Roman Catholics in that region are dispensed from the obligation to attend Mass. If Masses are cancelled, Catholics are encouraged to participate in Holy Mass via television, radio or internet, making a spiritual Communion. When Mass is cancelled, all other diocesan, parish or school events in that geographic region are also cancelled.


It has been decided when a weekday Mass is in Payne & Wayne Trace school is delayed or cancelled, Mass will be cancelled. When a weekday Mass is in Paulding, & Paulding school is delayed or cancelled,  Father will have Mass.

For Wednesday Adoration, if any school in the county is delayed, Adoration will start at 12pm. If any school in the county is cancelled, Adoration will be cancelled also.

If you have Adoration questions, please call Genny Martinez.