The goal of religious education at Divine Mercy is to help turn hearts and minds to Jesus so that we may know, love, and serve God more every day.
New Members: Adults who are interested in learning more about the Catholic faith or who are interested in joining the Catholic Church should contact Theresa Conley about the Order of Christian Initiation of Adults (or RCIA/OCIA) program. Through RCIA/OCIA, we work to explain the teachings of the Catholic Church, help adults grow in their relationship with Jesus, and answer questions in an easy-to-understand, friendly way. There is no commitment for those attending these sessions, and anyone may discontinue the program at any time.
RCIA/OCIA might be for you if . . .
- you’ve never been baptized but realize the need for God in your life
- you’ve been baptized in another Christian church but want to learn about the Catholic Tradition
- you were baptized in the Catholic Church but never received the Sacraments of Eucharist or Confirmation and you wish to become a full participant in the life of the Church
- you are married to a Catholic and attend Mass but you aren’t sure what your next step should be to be able to participate more fully
- you’ve ever asked yourself “why do Catholics do that” or “what do Catholics believe about this?”
Already Catholic? Join the team. Be a sponsor. Pray for us. Get involved!