We are excited to again offer in-person religious education classes this fall! Here is some important information about our upcoming programs:
Parish School of Religion – Grades K through 8
PSR classes will meet in person this year! Classes will start on Wednesday, September 15 in all 3 locations.
Our PSR newsletter will be sent out to all families in a few weeks. If you have a child who has NOT attended before, please contact Theresa Conley at 419-399-2576 or tconley@dmcparish.com to make sure you get this mailing.
YDisciple – Grades 9 through 12
Our YDisciple kickoff will be held on Wednesday, September 8 from 7 – 8:30 pm at Grounded Coffee & Crumbs in Paulding. All high school students are welcome! Small Groups will reach out to incoming freshmen to let them know where and when the group will be meeting beginning September 15.
If you do not hear from your group by September 1, or if you are new to the program, please contact Theresa Conley at
419-399-2576 or tconley@dmcparish.com
Confirmation Prep – Grades 7 and 8
Students and parents will be invited to a Confirmation meeting on Wednesday, September 8 at 7 pm at the Ed Center in Paulding to talk about the requirements for Confirmation and complete their first lesson. Confirmation prep will take place in our regular PSR classes.
The date for Confirmation will be April 24, 2022. Our Confirmation retreat date has not yet been set.