Bulletin Letter – 6/16/24

June 15-16, 2024

Dear parishioners,

Every two years, all the priests of the Diocese of Toledo gather in the summer for about four days for the diocesan priests’ convocation.  Because that will be happening this week, I will be away through Thursday of this week.  That means, of course, that we will not be having our usual morning Masses this Tuesday through Thursday, June 18-20.  We will resume our normal Mass schedule this Friday, June 21.    Many thanks for making the sacrifice of being without our morning Mass these upcoming days while the priests of the diocese have some time to pray together, learn together, and have some time of fraternity together!

Each year, the Diocese of Toledo celebrates the gift of marriage with the annual Mass for Anniversaries of Marriage.  If you are celebrating a milestone wedding anniversary in 2024 (25, 40, 50, 60, or 60+ years) then please consider joining Bishop Thomas for the Order of Blessing Married Couples within Holy Mass on Sunday, October 27th, 3:00pm at Our Lady, Queen of the Most Holy Rosary Cathedral, 2535 Collingwood Blvd, Toledo.  Registered couples receive a commemorative certificate and are invited to a reception following the Mass.  Because this Mass is on Sunday, it will count for the Sunday obligation of attending Mass.  To register, visit: www.toledoanniversarymass.org or contact the parish office and we can get you registered for the event.

I am happy to mention that, as you have likely already seen in last week’s bulletin, our parish has reached 100% of our $28,652 goal for the 2024 Annual Catholic Appeal for the Diocese of Toledo.  In fact, as of the time of my writing the present article, our parish has achieved 108% of our goal.  Thank you for continuing to be generous to this cause! 

Throughout this week, please keep in your prayers Jacob Livecchi and Christopher Turner, two seminarians who will be ordained priests for the diocese of Toledo this coming Saturday, June 22.  The ordination Mass will begin at 10:00 at Our Lady, Queen of the Most Holy Rosary Cathedral in Toledo and will be celebrated by Bishop Thomas.  This Mass is open to the public, so you are very much welcome to attend the Mass and celebrate with the rest of the diocese that these two men will be conformed to Christ the high priest, so that we can continue to have the sacraments in our diocese.  On that note, please continue to pray for more priests for our diocese!  “The harvest is plentiful, but the laborers are few; pray therefore the Lord of the harvest to send out laborers into his harvest” (Mt. 9:35-38).


Fr. Ammanniti