Confessions are still on for tonight in the Paulding church from 5 – 8pm! However, with the possibility of blowing snow and reduced visibilities, we have made the decision to cancel PSR classes, high school YDisciple, and Adult Choir tonight.
Read more →Archive for the Evangelus Category
Wednesday, November 27: There is no PSR, YDisciple, or Children’s Choir. Thursday, November 28: Thanksgiving Day Mass is at 9 am in Paulding. There will be a collection at Mass which will go to food pantries around Paulding County. Friday, November 29: There will be no Mass
Read more →All Saints Day is a Holy Day of Obligation for Catholics. Mass times at Divine Mercy are: Thursday, October 31 at 7 pm in Paulding Friday, November 1 at 9:15 am in Payne and noon in Paulding Please join us!
Read more →Our parking lot project at the Paulding church which began yesterday will continue into tomorrow. Therefore, we are unable to use our parking lots this Tuesday (October 15) or Wednesday (October 16). We acknowledge that this is an inconvenience, especially with all of our evening programs happening
Read more →This weekend our 2nd Collection at all Masses will be going for Hurricane Helene Disaster Relief and will be sent to Catholic Charities USA. If you are unable to donate this weekend, we will be accepting additional donations through October 15. This Saturday is our First Saturday
Read more →Join Fr. Ammanniti tonight at 7pm on zoom for Catholic Chat and discuss Catholic current events! Join Zoom Meeting Meeting ID: 870 7750 2443Passcode: 656753
Read more →We are in need of additional help with the funeral luncheon this Saturday, September 28, beginning at 10 am. The funeral is for Sterland “Jay” Gibson. If you can help, please contact Ellen Schlegel at 419-439-0384 or the parish office at 419-399-2576. Thank you!
Read more →Because the Paulding Schools have cancelled, there will be no Adoration in our Paulding church today.
Read more →PSR classes will still meet tonight (Wednesday, September 18) as long as the fog does not return this evening. CAFE for adults will still meet in the church basement at 6:45 pm. High School YDisciple students are encouraged to reach out to their leader to see if
Read more →We have two great opportunities for the adults of our parish! Tonight (Tuesday, September 17) at 7 pm in the Paulding church basement all women are invited to join us for Kingdom Builders! We will hear a message from the presenters and then end with a time
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