Archive for the News Category

To Make a Report Regarding the Sexual Abuse of a Minor

To Make a Report Regarding the Sexual Abuse of a Minor

To report any sexual abuse of a minor by Diocesan personnel (priest, deacon, consecrated religious brother/sister, or lay person), immediate contact should be made with local civil authorities, and with the Diocese of Toledo’s Victim Assistance Coordinator, Mr. Frank DiLallo. He can be reached at 419-214-4880 (private

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Participate in Holy Week Services!

Participate in Holy Week Services!

The livestreamed Chrism Mass will be available for viewing/listening at 11:00am on Tuesday, April 7 via the Diocese of Toledo Facebook page Bishop Thomas’ Facebook page. All are warmly encouraged to spiritually unite themselves by viewing/listening to the Chrism Mass. Diocese of Toledo Facebook page Bishop Thomas’

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Please continue your financial support

Please continue your financial support

Dear Parishioners,                   +JMJ In this time of suspension of public Masses, please consider our online giving options for any donations to continue support of our three campuses and school and office employees. Electronically you can stay consistent in your

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All public Masses suspended through Easter

All public Masses suspended through Easter

In order best to safeguard the Catholic faithful and the greater community from the serious threat and spread of the Coronavirus/COVID-19, Bishop Daniel E. Thomas, in union with the Bishops of Ohio, has decreed all publically celebrated Masses and other liturgies in the Diocese of Toledo will

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Corona Virus Precautions at Divine Mercy

Corona Virus Precautions at Divine Mercy

March 12, 2020 +JMJ Dear Parishioners of Divine Mercy of Paulding County, Greetings in Jesus Christ! Just this evening I received a memo from Bishop Daniel Thomas, regarding coronavirus prevention measures which include the following paragraphs: Given the current grave situation posed by the threat of the

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Divine Mercy Lenten and Holy Week Schedule

Divine Mercy Lenten and Holy Week Schedule

ASH WEDNESDAY Feb 26, 2020 9:15 am Mass in Payne 12pm Mass in Paulding 7pm Mass in Antwerp   STATIONS OF THE CROSS Beginning Friday, Feb 28 Mondays, Noon in Paulding Wednesdays, 7pm in Antwerp (except 3/27/19) Fridays, 2:30pm at Divine Mercy School in Payne SACRAMENT OF

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Urgent Call to Action: Support School Choice

Urgent Call to Action: Support School Choice

In a diocesan-wide effort to support parents as primary educators and support parents in having options for their children’s education, Bishop Daniel E. Thomas invites the faithful of the Diocese of Toledo to contact your state representatives and senators expressing to them support for educational choice in

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