On Saturday, April 4, 2020, Bishop Daniel Thomas announced that Father Austin Ammanniti was named the next pastor of Divine Mercy Parish in Paulding County. His new assignment will start on July 1, 2020. Fr. Ammanniti is currently serving as the parochial vicar at St. Peter’s in
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WORRIED BECAUSE OF CORONAVIRUS ABOUT MISSING THE DIVINE MERCY SUNDAY PLENARY INDULGENCE? READ THIS: Here are the normal requirements for the Divine Mercy Sunday plenary indulgence: – sacramental confession – Eucharistic Communion, – prayer for the intentions of Supreme Pontiff. Next, the “work” required: “On Divine
Read more →Fr. Poggemeyer will be offering confessions on Saturday mornings from 9:30 am until noon. These confessions will rotate weekly to the different campuses. On Saturday, April 18, confessions will be held in Antwerp. On Saturday, April 25, confessions will be held in Paulding. On Saturday, May 2,
Read more →To report any sexual abuse of a minor by Diocesan personnel (priest, deacon, consecrated religious brother/sister, or lay person), immediate contact should be made with local civil authorities, and with the Diocese of Toledo’s Victim Assistance Coordinator, Mr. Frank DiLallo. He can be reached at 419-214-4880 (private
Read more →You are invited to join Bishop Daniel Thomas, together with his brother bishops, Catholic faithful and all people of good will in praying the Litany of the Sacred Heart of Jesus on Good Friday at Noon for a swift end to the coronavirus pandemic. Archbishop José H.
Read more →The livestreamed Chrism Mass will be available for viewing/listening at 11:00am on Tuesday, April 7 via the Diocese of Toledo Facebook page Bishop Thomas’ Facebook page. All are warmly encouraged to spiritually unite themselves by viewing/listening to the Chrism Mass. Diocese of Toledo Facebook page Bishop Thomas’
Read more →Dear Parishioners, +JMJ In this time of suspension of public Masses, please consider our online giving options for any donations to continue support of our three campuses and school and office employees. Electronically you can stay consistent in your
Read more →Please click this link to view Fr. Poggemeyer’s Coronavirus message: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VXx-q7by54s Please subscribe to our new YouTube channel. We hope to be posting daily Masses from the rectory soon!
Read more →In order best to safeguard the Catholic faithful and the greater community from the serious threat and spread of the Coronavirus/COVID-19, Bishop Daniel E. Thomas, in union with the Bishops of Ohio, has decreed all publically celebrated Masses and other liturgies in the Diocese of Toledo will
Read more →March 12, 2020 +JMJ Dear Parishioners of Divine Mercy of Paulding County, Greetings in Jesus Christ! Just this evening I received a memo from Bishop Daniel Thomas, regarding coronavirus prevention measures which include the following paragraphs: Given the current grave situation posed by the threat of the
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