My God, I firmly believe that You are infinitely good and worthy of all my love. You are the
fullness and source of all life, beauty, goodness, love, and joy, all that I can ever desire. Grant
that I may love You with all my heart and soul; ever more purely, more tenderly, more ardently,
more generously. With your grace I will make every effort always to serve You cheerfully, with a
bright smile, especially when trials are the hardest to bear, because You love a cheerful giver, and
I want to give all to You with joyful abandon. With Your grace, I will not worry about myself, but
will place all my trust in Your infinite goodness, confident that You love me with an unimaginably
great love, and that You will never permit any trial to affect me without directing it to Your glory
and my own truest good. You are indeed all good, all powerful, and all loving. I will not demand
consolations, or proofs, or signs from you. If You choose to sleep through the storm that threatens
me, I will not wake You up. If You hide Your face from me in the darkness, I will not complain or
be afraid. When I fall into sin, I resolve with Your grace not to waste a single moment wallowing
in my misery, but promptly to express my sorrow, ask Your forgiveness, and begin again to serve
You with all my strength. With the help of Your grace, I will allow nothing to make me deeply sad;
not even Your silence and apparent indifference to me. When melancholy shows its sad face, I
pray that with strong faith I may rise above my feelings and make every effort to serve You
joyfully, confident that if I place my trust in You, You will take care of me and all my concerns,
not necessarily by sparing me the cross, but by giving me the grace to bear it well, however
heavy it may be, however long I must carry it. Simply put, with Your grace I will serve You with
gladness because I wish to please You with a generous and unselfish love. In this way I pray that
You will teach me to love You truly, and day by day draw me ever closer to Your loving Heart
until at last You will make me intimately one with You and all Your blessed ones in purest joy