Bulletin Letter – 8/25/24

August 24-25, 2024

Dear Parishioners,

As you know, our cathedral is dedicated to Our Lady, Queen of the Most Holy Rosary.  As such, the patronal feast of our diocese is October 7, the feast day of Our Lady of the Rosary.  On the universal liturgical calendar of the Church, this feast day is listed as a memorial, the lowest of the three classes of feast days.  However, whenever Mass is celebrated in a church dedicated to the saint/feast of the day, that particular Mass is celebrated as a solemnity, the highest of the three classifications of liturgical celebrations.

Therefore, Bishop Thomas is extending the invitation to all in the diocese to join him for the solemn celebration of the Mass on the occasion of our patronal feast day.  The Mass will take place on Monday, October 7 at 7:00 p.m. at our cathedral (2535 Collingwood Blvd, Toledo, OH 43610); the rosary will be recited at 6:30 p.m.  Archbishop Leonard P. Blair, bishop emeritus of the Archdiocese of Hartford, and formerly the bishop of our diocese, will be the principal celebrant for the Mass.  Our parish will be well represented at this Mass because Bishop Thomas has asked our parish to provide the liturgical ministers for it; I will be there as well.  Please consider joining us at the cathedral for this special liturgy!  Additionally, if you are interested in praying the novena leading up to our patronal feast day, you can find it at www.toledoprays.org.

Catholic Charities of the Diocese of Toledo is now accepting applications for Century Farm Awards.  This award designation honors Catholic families who have maintained a farm or homestead within their family for at least 100 years in the Diocese of Toledo, emphasizing well-preserved working farms.  Applicants must submit a registration form, copies of old deeds, and pictures to support claims.  The information submitted must show family residence and ownership of a farm for at least 100 years in the Diocese of Toledo.  Applications should be submitted no later than Friday, October 4, 2024.  Bishop Thomas will celebrate a Mass honoring Century Farm Award recipients at 9:00 a.m. on Wednesday, October 16, 2024, at St. Joseph Catholic Church, 66 Chapel Street, Monroeville, Ohio 44847.  For more information or to request the registration form, please contact Paula J. Kidney at (419) 214-4898 or email: pkidney@toledodiocese.org.


Fr. Ammanniti