Please check your email and respond to the long term planning survey by this Wednesday. Many parishioners are reporting that the email has gone to their spam folder. Parishioners with gmail accounts should also check their “promotions” folder for this email. If you have any questions, please
Read more →Archive for the Evangelus Category
There will be no Gospel with Father this Wednesday, May 11.
Read more →URGENT NOTICE: We have been made aware that there may be protests or other fallout at/in Catholic churches across the country following the recent leak of a draft Supreme Court opinion regarding the Dobbs decision that could overturn Roe v. Wade. There are groups on social media,
Read more →The parish office will be closed today, Friday, May 6, and Monday, May 9. We apologize for any inconvenience.
Read more →TONIGHT Fr. Ammanniti will lead Catholic Chat about current Catholic events on zoom at 7 pm. To join, go to and click “Join a meeting.” The meeting ID is 310 629 1112 and the password is chat 2022 WEDNESDAY we have our final PSR classes for
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